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  • Writer's pictureallyson the Visionary

Social Impact: We must remember that doing good will do the business good.

One of the most important facts I have learned in my career is the importance of connecting the work of social impact to every business unit across the organization. Consumers, fans, stakeholders, corporate partners need to know that social impact has been integrated into the overall business model. The community relations department aka corporate social responsibility (CSR), is a true business function and a great facilitator of business units to align values so all goals can be achieved and conquered.

The CSR and Community Relations folks are amazing facilitators (I would bet on this). This group focuses on doing good, they can bring business units together, help develop strategies that align, and throw in some opportunities to serve as a team building effort. These departments can assist in talking about issues, lifting up successes, and showing internal and external players how social impact is part of your business and your brand.

Link everything back to the business.

Sales teams are looking to nail those major companies with the big dollars - those companies want to know about the work you do in the community, how socially responsible is the company?

Recruiting and HR teams want to get those brainy and innovative millennials - they want to work for a company that has ties to the community. By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be millennials, when surveyed, they want to work at organizations where they can connect to social change and social good. Source below:

The point is plain. Do good and lean on/embolden your Community Relations folks. Show your dedication to the community. Regardless of the industry, if you are thriving, you have a responsibility to serve! Do it. It will only add to your success, enhance your brand and most importantly, positively impact the community!

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